Wednesday, July 15, 2015


I feel like I managed a breakthrough after the Warcraft piece. I learned how to separate light and shadow into shapes the past year but one thing I neglected to think about was where the light source was in 3D space. I would arbitrarily add light sources coming from seemingly nowhere to create my shadow shapes.

Now I think about where the source is in 3D space and which planes are facing it and how it should interact with the light. Before, I was able to separate different forms by "faking" light and adding a backlight but now with the light source, I don't have to make stuff up. Also the realistic lighting makes stuff look so much better! Definitely going to focus a lot more on lighting and materials.

Huge thanks to Justin Oaksford for helping me understand this!

Monday, July 13, 2015

New illustrations

I rarely do illustrations but these are my attempts at it. I ended up rendering that fox spirit sketch for the spitpaint group. I'm not too happy about it looking at it now after finishing the Warcraft piece. I learned a lot about lighting and color with that one and feel like I could've applied those principles better.

The Slyvanas one took me around 3 days to finish. Got some nice feedback from Justin Oaksford over at 343 industries who mainly criticized my lighting. I entered this into the Blizzcon art contest. Wish me luck!

Saturday, July 4, 2015

Fox Spirit

A sketch for the Daily Spitpaint group. I might take this one to a polished finish later

Thursday, July 2, 2015

English robot butler

Did a Google hangout with some friends and doodled this robot butler. After taking CGMA's dynamic sketching, I feel like I always need at least some line work now or everything gets too unorganized and messy!